Sunday, April 15, 2007

A question, and some information.

Question: would it have been better or worse if you had picked a good virtual lover?

It's a good question. I never really anticipated it though.

My answer is: Never.

At least i don't think so. Is there such a thing as a good lover? All i know, is that the experiement i did pretty much scared me away from sex.

It's the same thing with RL girls i believe, wich freaks me out a bit. If your first experience is bad, you obviously do not want to have sex again in the future.

One thing is for certain, I feel that as a woman, men REALLY have to do some good convincing to get me to cyber. I won't just jump in the sack with anyone.

And that is pretty much all that matters.

I will begin blogging again, don't worry. I'm going through a tough time at the moment - and as soon as my RL is sorted out, i will be back in the red shoes.

Take care in the meantime, everyone!


Anonymous said...

You poor thing...what a horrific introduction to SL sex!

I'll say that yes, it would have made a HUGE difference if you had a good lover for your first experience. Because the guy you were with used you. A good lover would have ensured that *both* of you were enjoying the experience. And that would have required getting to know *you*, not just making a few off-hand comments about your shape.

It doesn't matter if you're male or female, the same dynamic applies.

Also, a good cyber-lover will not rely on the poseballs. Those are there merely to "set the scene" while the details of the lovemaking occur in chat. (using a mix of dialogue and /me actions)

Anonymous said...

Judging from how old your last post is I doubt you're still working on the blog, but I just found it and thought I'd put in my two cents.

I'm a fellow stud-in-heels, (well more of a geek-in-heels to be honest).

I started as a girl in sl largely because I have some mild gender identity issues and wanted to see if i could fool anyone.

I have to admit that I love being an sl girl. I finally understand those girls who have 1000 pairs of shoes :) . In my time here I've had sex with multiple partners of both sexes (even a hermaphrodite once), and they were all quite good. of course I wasn't looking to get laid my first night either. It was almost a month before my first mistress took my deflowered me in sl.

I'm now a dancer (cough *stripper* cough cough) at two clubs in sl and throughly enjoy teasing all the guys (and quite a few of the girls).

I'm also proud to say that my mistress has been the only person to see through my act on her own (she's the only one who's called me on it anyway. I try to treat everyone as whatever gender their using at the time even when I know better. Unless of course they change right in front of me. Then I just laugh.

Hope you're still around dude! have fun in sl!
